Beats are from a middle-class background and have been downwardly mobile. Negroes are more likely to be from a working-class background and to have been upwardly mobile. Beats avoid employment while middle-class Negroes seek it. For the black bourgeoisie jobs are seen as an important means of obtaining status and a means to bigger and better conspicuous consumption. A French sociologist has even called this group "colored babbits." Popular mythology suggests that beats will not work, and statements like the following support this: "Me earn money? Never. All you earn the government takes and what you got left? I'll tell you. What the little boy urinated at, that's what. The hole in the fence, man, that's what you got left."
In 1968, they had a live discussion on American national television.
Edit: Google Video wants to come between you and your treats. Don't let it.
No matter what you conclude after you have encountered to these two brains, you will have learned important lessons. Knowledge is a treat! Go get yourself some Pie, bo!